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Where Is He? [Cincinnati Enquirer. Feb. 12, 1895.] A few years ago John Branch left his home in Virginia and came to Cincin- nati with a man named Champion. Branch was 23 years old and a plasterer by trade. For some reason he saw fit to assume the name of John Stoops. Champion opened an insur- ance office in the Pickering Building, at the corner of Fifth and Main streets and employed Stoops in the office. A short time ago both disappeared. Nothing could be found out about them at Champion's boarding house, 32 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Yesterday word was received here that the uncle of Stoops, John Ran- dolph Branch, of Brunswick County, Virginia has died leaving considera- ble property. It is impossible to set- tle the estate without the appearance of Branch, alias Stoop, on the scene. An attempt is being made to find Branch. He is colored.