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For the Nashville Union. On a recent visit to Washington City, I became acquainted with a colored Baptist minister by the name of Albert Boulden, and became somewhat inter-ested in his history. He and his old wife are there, getting along very pleasantly; but greatly distressed about their children, ten in number, all sold from them a good many years ago. They were taken from Virginia to Ala-bama, and sold to two men, Robert Peoples and Robert Bibbs. It would be a great satisfaction to hear from them if they are yet in the land of the living. It was thought by interested parties in Washington that a brief statement and the names of the children, published in a Nashville paper, might be the means of identifying at least some of them. Will you please give this an insertion in your paper. The names of the children are as fol-lows: James Boulden, Julias Boulden, Luke Boulden, Ann Boulden, Catharine Boulden, Joana Boulden, Robert Boul-den, Louisa Boulden, Agnes Boulden, and Albert Boulden.

All other papers in the south that are willing to publish the above are re-quested to do so. Any information respecting any of the above named children may be addressed to Rev. Al-bert Boulden, No. 665, L Street, Wash-ington D.C., or to Rev. T.P. Childs, Troy, Miami Co, O.

Very respectfully, T. P. Childs, Troy, O., March 12, 1865.